
Dark darker yet monster scratch
Dark darker yet monster scratch

dark darker yet monster scratch

Gaster done with your sh*t Chara/Frisk the dude was THAT CLOSE then you yknow. This song is pure ass, shy cannot sing for shit nigga lolol Comment by Anna Bence Hmm this is good Comment by That One Guy From. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy godddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment by Warren The Eagleįfffuzjxjxjdjfjxjxhchcjcck Comment by Darly Boxman They forgot me but I'm still seeing this code x3 Comment by Sanseveria * Gaster what have we talked about we both have to sing Comment by p̵ᴉ̷o̷Λ̴ ̴p̸u̸∀̸ ̶l̵l̶n̶N̷ I love this and the one where she sings the lyrics made by Zeebo Comment by Chara יםבנ Comment by Crimsonĭamn this hits HARD Comment by KyuminoXD

Dark darker yet monster scratch